
Weekly Communion

Every Sunday morning we hold a Lord’s Supper service for the specific act of taking bread and wine (also grape juice) in remembrance of the work that Jesus Christ did as payment for our sins.

Leadership Structure

Arkell Road Bible Chapel is led by a group of elders.  These people provide the duties of a typical full-time pastor as a team.  They are the ‘shepherds’ of the church or ‘flock.’

Baptism by Immersion

Baptism by immersion is a practice where, when an individual is baptised, they are lowered down under the water and brought back up. This symbolizes the union of a believer with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.  Baptism is an action that a believer will take to outwardly show that they will continue their life by walking with Jesus.

Symbol of the Head Covering

Many women in attendance at ARBC will be wearing a scarf, hat, or lace covering on their heads during our services.  This is because we take 1 Corinthians 11 to be a passage that is to be interpreted literally.  However, it is completely based on personal conviction and is not enforced, nor expected of visitors.


ARBC is a part of the Christian “Brethren” denomination.  This denomination includes many different kinds of churches, but most commonly Assemblies (Gospel Halls and Chapels).  However, above all, we associate ourselves with Jesus Christ and his teachings in Scripture.